The themes for these Sunday sermons sometimes drift in slowly on the breeze, like some gently fading slice, and other times arrive in a flash from nowhere, like the dreaded sh*nks.
I’ve never been under the Wisteria at. Woking but hope to one day. Your description of dementia in terms of the memories old songs or photos bring along with how it relates to golf were just sublime. Made me think of my Mum, who suffered from dementia, and the vagaries of our golf. Just brilliant Richard, when is Grass Routes II coming?
Richard, Congratulations on another gem! Tom
Thank you!!!
I felt I was under the wisteria again
It's a good spot. But keep an eye on that fourteenth...
Superb. As always.
Thank you!!!
Brilliant…just brilliant.
Nice to hear from you, John. Thank you!!!
I’ve never been under the Wisteria at. Woking but hope to one day. Your description of dementia in terms of the memories old songs or photos bring along with how it relates to golf were just sublime. Made me think of my Mum, who suffered from dementia, and the vagaries of our golf. Just brilliant Richard, when is Grass Routes II coming?
Music to my ears!