Kerry, July 1991, a Sunday afternoon, Waterville - I felt the same. And I’ve been back, many times, magical. The only course where I played twice in a day without making a single par … and was still enchanted.

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Ah, Waterville. I had no idea where it was until I drove past last summer...could barely keep my eyes on the road! I will return there, too...one day...

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I’ve only played Shiskine once and that was 30 years ago on a Saturday evening after playing Brodick. Have always meant to go back to play it again along with some of the other courses on Arran like Corrie and Lamlash.

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Such a wonderful piece, Richard. Perspective is indeed something we golfers all carry with us like an extra club. As an experienced caddie once told me...if it's in the bag it's meant to be played...

Always appreciate when it moves us forward toward the green, closer to the hole and nestling in the heart. Cheers

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It is a special place. I can imagine that I would feel the same had I only had the chance to see it once and not play. I hope you are able to return. Cheers

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Ah, the anticipation 🙏⛳️✔️

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