The best part of forty years ago, my father gave me - keen to encourage my apparent desire to join what Bernard Darwin called “the bravest, stupidest race in the world…golfers” - a collection of Henry Longhurst’s writings.
A very touching piece, Richard. Two things, in particular, struck a chord - how we learn by absorbing the greats (even if subconsciously) and the connections we make through writing. We may not make our fortunes but our lives are much the richer.
Yes, agreed. Those personal interactions - in person and via the good side of technology - you can’t put a price on them. It’s a special thing, alright!
Robin, thank you for this…I knew a bit about the windmills, but had no idea that were so near the course, nor of Longhurst’s long connection to the club. With your kindness, I have found out that they play an annual cross country event for the honour of lifting his old putter aloft. How wonderful! Another rabbit hole to disappear down…
They say that he left instructions that on his death the club should not fly the flag at half mast and everyone should have drink to remember him which he left money for
A very touching piece, Richard. Two things, in particular, struck a chord - how we learn by absorbing the greats (even if subconsciously) and the connections we make through writing. We may not make our fortunes but our lives are much the richer.
Yes, agreed. Those personal interactions - in person and via the good side of technology - you can’t put a price on them. It’s a special thing, alright!
You should pop down to Pyecombe GC and see their collection of Henry’s items
Robin, thank you for this…I knew a bit about the windmills, but had no idea that were so near the course, nor of Longhurst’s long connection to the club. With your kindness, I have found out that they play an annual cross country event for the honour of lifting his old putter aloft. How wonderful! Another rabbit hole to disappear down…
They say that he left instructions that on his death the club should not fly the flag at half mast and everyone should have drink to remember him which he left money for
From what is said, that definitely sounds like Henry!
What great memories!
Lovely. Thanks for getting my Sunday off to a good start. I'll play golf this morning and immerse myself in the mysteries.
Thank you, Eddie! I bet there was a miracle in there somewhere! In your golf, that is!