Wonderful compilation of thoughts on golf, feels like an award winning piece to me. BTW I listened to it vs just read it. That seemed to deliver the message in a whole different way. Fascinating, even better if it would have been your “voice” with your intonations/interpretations. 👏🤔

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Thanks John. I didn't realise Substack had added this listen feature! But I plan to record some next year...it's a nice way to edit them, anyway...you notice little rhythms, etc.

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Extending Christmas cheer to my internet friend across the pond. Hard season for me this year, but your revisitations to the Pitchmarks archives has of course been comforting.

I've often wondered why we Americans, myself included, are so focused on the scorecard. Even if I'm playing by myself, I will always dutifully record (if only in my memory) my scores, so that the round can be posted to my ever-rising handicap -- tho the Stack workouts and increased ch speed are approaching in the new year! One of my great peeves with the new "World Handicap System" is their failure to permit solo scores to be posted. . . as if a true golfer were going to cheat himself

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So good to hear from you, Mark. We share a few things, and a loathing of the WHS from either side of the pond is among them!

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NZ is wonderful and it takes a lot of willpower to rise from the lunch table!

Have a great Christmas

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Thanks Richard. I did enjoy this piece about NZGC as I play it once a year. You certainly capture the locker room which must be haunted by the ghosts of the people whose names are on the lockers. Love the Einstein quote. And I enjoyed Grass Routes. Alas our Reform Club match was cancelled due to the biblical rain we had in September. A shame as I was looking forward to playing.

Happy Christmas

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Thank you, Chris! HNY!

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